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MAS (Museum aan de Stroom)

Hanzestedenplaats 1

2000 Antwerpen

+32 3 338 44 00


Mas - Museum aan de Stroom

Mas - Museum aan de Stroom

Het MAS staat voor Museum Aan de Stroom en is het pareltje in Antwerpen. Het warme, rode museum op 't eilandje is de 4de Toren van Antwerpen en bevat de collecties van het scheepvaartmuseum, het volkskunde museum, het vleeshuis en het etnografisch museum.

Permanent kan je in het MAS vier thema's vinden: Machtsvertoon, Wereldstad, Wereldhaven en leven en dood. Deze thema's gaan over de mensen en Antwerpen. Buiten deze permanente tentoonstellingen zijn er ook enkele tijdelijke tentoonstellingen te bewonderen.

In de zomeravonden heb je tot middernacht een prachtig uitzicht over de stad Antwerpen. Elke donderdag avond is één van de permanente zalen open tot 21u.


  • Dinsdag 09:30 - 17:00
  • Woensdag 09:30 - 17:00
  • Donderdag 09:30 - 17:00
  • Vrijdag 09:30 - 17:00
  • Zaterdag 09:30 - 18:00
  • Zondag 09:30 - 18:00
  • € (0-10)
Reviews van MAS (Museum aan de Stroom)
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MAS (Museum aan de Stroom)
Indonesian general says his flashy watch is a fake
op 9/9/14   0
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Indonesian general says his flashy watch is a fake
April 23, 2014 10:46 AM
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Wearing what he said to be a Chinese-made watch, Indonesian Armed Forces Chief Gen. Moeldoko speaks to …
watches JAKARTA, Indonesia (AP) — Indonesia's military commander said critics who called him out for wearing an especially luxurious watch should be quiet because the timepiece is actually a cheap Chinese fake.swiss replica watches aaa+ A Singapore website flagged a picture of the general and his watch this week, saying it was from the Richard Mille brand's Filipe Massa collection and worth more than $100,000. The report caused a social media storm in a country where the average income is about $8.50 a day.top brand watches Gen. Moeldoko, who uses a single name, said it was a Chinese-made copy and cost only 5 million rupiah ($430).copy watches He removed the watch from his wrist and showed it to reporters who were covering a meeting Wednesday of Indonesia and Philippines military officials.all brand watches "This is a Chinese-made fake watch... how could such a watch be original," he said while slamming the watch on the floor.all brand watches Richard Mille did not immediately respond to a question about the general's remarks, which appeared to indicate a lack of concern for intellectual property rights, not uncommon in Indonesia.The website, mothership.sg, also showed photos of Moeldoko wearing other luxury watches, including an Audemars Piguet Millenary — either a $43,000 Chronograph or a $476,600 Minute Repeater limited edition.Moeldoko, who became Indonesia's military chief last August, reported total assets of about 36 billion rupiah ($3 million) to the anti-graft commission last year. JAKARTA, Indonesia Richard Mille
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